Wednesday 5 October 2016

Why I love Autumn

There has been time in my life when I loved Summer. Of course, kids love Summer don't they? So warm and sweet. No school, lots of free time, holidays, friends and fun fun fun.
Then, there is the Winter. Beautiful snow, white and sparkly; good building material as well. And oh, what kid wouldn't love Christmas, right?
Wait, you're telling me I forgot about the Spring? Sorry.. never was much of a Spring lover. Everything is just kind of devastated after Winter, there is a lot of rain and then some freezing as well. How would That be likable?
But I'm here to talk about Autumn!
I thought of this the other day, when I was walking down one (not very particular) street in Žilina.  Gusts of wind were hitting me strong and cold, making me tighten my scarf around my neck and hold my coat closer to my body. At that moment, the few leaves already lying on the ground stirred a bit and sent the sweet smell of Autumn to my nostrils. That was the smell that always hits me. It is so pleasant and slightly peppery, and I can't push away the thought that this is indeed the smell of dying, decaying leaves that I'm enjoying. A slight smirk crossed my face. That was my mind sensing this familiar truth.
With an umbrella above my head I continued strolling towards my favourite café. Even the umbrella was delightful. Dotty and blue, just like I prefer all my things. Playful, yet not very distinct.
The muffled sounds of tiny raindrops hitting it sounded like a song. Somebody whispering a chaotic melody, I could hear a piano in my mind, pinning the tones down.
And then, there is the air. It is somehow fuller at this particular time of the year. It is as if the air itself was heavier, but pleasantly. It is fuller and it makes sense for it to fill up every nook and cranny. You just have to excuse if for messing up your hair, because it was made for it. It was born that way and it just wants to feel the intimacy of you. Of me... it is a kinky one, I admit, but would you blame him?
I continue on my journey. Few meters left, I'm avoiding puddles - don't get me wrong, I just don't wan to hurt them, of course... would you like being stepped on? Well whatever your answer is, I doubt you'd like that (and I'm not talking about the cute Asian girls giving you back massage).
And there I was, in the Café. Sipping my coffee, warming myself up, looking  at the people outside. They all look so natural in there. In Autumn, everything is meant to be, everything is meant to happen. It is that kind of the year...

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