Authorus Informatius

You folks might ask who we are.. but.. thing is.. we don’t know ourselves. So we just decided to write a random blog (R: named after sad pandas?) , consisting of our intellectual foolishness and mindless blabbering. In the end it’s about you to figure out who we are! (R: we really hope you all do, so we finally have some clue).

Anyway if you find yourself interested /or interesting/ pay a visit to our blog, and comment the crap out of it! So yeah? Introductions? Lucy I give you the word first (R: since I am a gentleman). GO!

Tadada, Introductions!


Hi guys ^.^! Welcome, welcome! Lucy here, always to… oh… actually no… sometimes… here to help. (R: she is soo shy.) Or entertain you. Or just maybe. After all it will be you who decides whether it is entertaining or/and total crap. But that’s why we’re here. To give you something maybe a bit usual, maybe a bit unusual.

But… I am very tired just now, so talk to you later, okay?
L: Okay. R: Okay.


So yea.. I’m Richard. Lucy, my co-partner, was REALLY tired while writing this, so for now I decided to do a quick intro on myself (R: I still am a gentleman)(L: and not narcissistic at all). I am going to try writing articles? about games, books, anime, films, things I find on internet or just things from my daily life that I found interesting. Anything that I feel like I would not like to miss sharing with the world, or just me that will read it 10 years later, laughing at my nostalgia.

Since, well I don’t really believe that a lot of people will read all this, I’ll be using it as a kind of.. a Diary. We will see how that goes. If any sexy singles(L: pandas)(R: you evil) from the surrounding areas were interested, I am a 17 year old boy (L: one day younger than me!!), so message me if you want! (L: yeah, even though he is not really single anymore :P)

We will add first letters of our names into each others comments, so it's not THAT confusing. No need to thank us!

I suppose this is it for now! We will add more later on.


So... after a day I came back to tell you more! What you need to know about me is probably my weak enthusiasm about Slovakia (which is actually my country). Then the info about my age... 17.
I'm going to write basically about anything that crosses my mind but I hope to include some reviews of films and books (since I am very fond of both of these), my random reflections, short stories, music, things from internet which that interested me, and hopefully even English Culture Corner.... not sure whether I'm the right one to talk about that, but maybe from time to time.... 

Well and that's about it... enjoy :)

1 comment:

  1. It is quite good =D But just.... POST SOMETHING MORE =D

    Thanks in advance :P
