Saturday 8 August 2015

Happy, happy, happy...?

Hello again. It's been some time since I talked to you in a normal way, not through poems or obscene short stories. Even though I know probably nobody except me is interested in this blog, I still feel like if there is one more person reading this, why would I stop writing when it doesn't cost me almost anything at all... even though we say that "time is money".

This time I want to talk about something I've been wondering about pretty much my whole life. Happiness. This has been a subject of many worries and ponders. We all want to be happy. Even though I've realized that I miss from time to time the time to be very down and sad for some crazy reason, because it somehow excuses me to be alone for a while or something,... in a long term I do wish to be happy.

I've started reading this book The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin recently. At first I thought it would be something annoying like: "In this 1st lesson you should wake up every morning and try to say out loud how you WILL enjoy this day!"
In the end I'm really enjoying her story about how SHE tried to make her life better and how SHE was failing and winning and what SHE realized about life and happiness. In the meantime it really made a lot of sense and I adjusted HER situations to MY life.

I might not tide up my room every evening to make myself more free from all the things that would wait for me later, even though I admit it would make me more relaxed and thus more happy. I just can't make myself do it. On the other hand I found there many advises about relationships.

I really like the fact that when I learn how to be more happy, I will be less irritated and mean and more happy and cheery and I know that when I'm in that kind of mood I feel more like helping people and I want to make them happy as well. Thus making myself happy I'll make other people more happy. That is a good one, eh?

The hard thing about it is that I have to change and I will have to bite my tongue instead of saying something stingy to the other person, because I think it isn't right. It doesn't work like I go to someone I want to have a good relation with and tell them what they should do so I was happy so they can be happy. No. Unfortunately, it isn't that easy. However, it is not impossible. I've said this to many people and many of them still remember that if I'm really good at something it's hope. And I can always hope that my deeds will affect other people in some time.

Second thing in my be-happier list is to not complain so much. I know myself that when other people complain to me and I am not in a mood of helping or even listening to it, it can get really annoying and I am also aware of that, that when I am complaining, it is similar and therefore I cannot be angry when somebody doesn't seem 100% interested and mostly when it's somebody I expect it from... like my boyfriend. This one is maybe even harder. I am the type who would complain all the time about my life, about my health, about people around me... And I just have to get used to the fact that people will rather listen about what's the weather today and that many times those things I complain about don't really matter.

This is just a tiny little piece of knowledge that I've obtained from the book and from "monitoring" my own life. Okay this is a bit like a review, but not really. If you are interested, sure, read the book. I'm sure it has something to say to EVERYONE. Anyway, I only wanted to share my bit and since this is a blog after all, I think subjectivity has its place here.

Okay, so... I'm happy I made myself to sit down and write a bit here again and I'd be really happy to find out there is somebody else also reading this, but you know, life.... :)  

1 comment:

  1. Hi!
    One more person here ;)
    Just one thing...

    Per aspera ad astra
