Monday 25 September 2017

Analysis of the Days Past

Strong pushing
Blood rushing
Going down your cheeks
So quietly it speaks 

Darkness of emptiness
All of your craziness
Blame it on yourself
It was you who fell

He was there
But he was not
You were here
It had to stop

How could you have known
How could he have shown
Without you seeing
When your heart was bleeding

Deep inside you knew
Other side was true
And without all knowing
You didn't stop loving

Wednesday 9 August 2017

What if the sun was down
What if we meant no harm
And yet we came to a halt
Trying out a fresh new start

You wouldn't believe
No you wouldn't conceive
What is that feeling
It's almost like drowning

All those days and nights
Stricken with much fear
Now what will it be
Betray or propose me

You wouldn't say
Only my eyes can tell
So much hate and sorrow
How could they hope
For better tomorrow

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Catch me in the rye

I want someone to catch me
Catch me in the rye
And I will be there
I will stop running
I will drop to my knees
Slowly and then all at once
I will hit the ground
Solid ground beneath me
But I will be safe
Because I'll be embraced
It will be warm and soft
Just like falling asleep
In the soft bed
And knowing that I'm safe
That nothing
That no one
Can ever hurt me again.