Wednesday 18 July 2018

Hide Behind

Just a quiet thought
Just a seamless sigh
All the things that hide
That let us go behind

One that could
One that can't
One that's crazy
One that's sound

Tell me what is true
Tell me what to say
I know what I should
But how can I be sure?

Just for one moment
Short and sweet
Meaningful and tender
We're gonna be there

We're gonna go
We're gonna hold
We're gonna whisper
All the things we dare

Under the dark sun
Inside the shining night
Beyond the twinkling stars
We might put up a fight

Those three words pierce
These three words slay
They make us sleep lightly
They make me want to stay

Monday 25 September 2017

Analysis of the Days Past

Strong pushing
Blood rushing
Going down your cheeks
So quietly it speaks 

Darkness of emptiness
All of your craziness
Blame it on yourself
It was you who fell

He was there
But he was not
You were here
It had to stop

How could you have known
How could he have shown
Without you seeing
When your heart was bleeding

Deep inside you knew
Other side was true
And without all knowing
You didn't stop loving

Wednesday 9 August 2017

What if the sun was down
What if we meant no harm
And yet we came to a halt
Trying out a fresh new start

You wouldn't believe
No you wouldn't conceive
What is that feeling
It's almost like drowning

All those days and nights
Stricken with much fear
Now what will it be
Betray or propose me

You wouldn't say
Only my eyes can tell
So much hate and sorrow
How could they hope
For better tomorrow

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Catch me in the rye

I want someone to catch me
Catch me in the rye
And I will be there
I will stop running
I will drop to my knees
Slowly and then all at once
I will hit the ground
Solid ground beneath me
But I will be safe
Because I'll be embraced
It will be warm and soft
Just like falling asleep
In the soft bed
And knowing that I'm safe
That nothing
That no one
Can ever hurt me again.

Tuesday 29 November 2016

House of Cards

Waking up in the morning
Sweet scent of the rising sun
Kisses you on your cheek
Tells you that you’re fine

Nightdress flowing down your body
Skin pushing lightly
With a great care
Not showing your weaknesses

But skirting is cutting on the edge
You’re losing something
But no, not yet
It’s a time to come, it may not come…

It is a sweet denial
It is your last remorse
Because you loved
Because you had trust

Earth is shaking
Knocking you off your feet
Your ground faded
All there is

You were left in your mourning
On a cloudy Sunday morning
Wiped out
Wiped down
With your torn nightdress

Pale naked splits
Holes the size of your fists
So bare
So defenseless

Dark edges of your cuts
Buried down
Under the cards

Of your little house of cards

Thursday 10 November 2016

A Late Arrival

She stood there, counting the minutes. She'd already been standing there for 43 minutes, 11 seconds, 12, 13, 14... She wasn't irritated. She wasn't trying to make the train come by the will of her mind... which was most probably the case of the slander man in his forties standing just a few steps from her.

She observed him just for a while - nervous jerks of his head, shaky fingers, red face, clapping foot. But no, he wasn't interesting aspect of her - oh so important time.

You must understand she'd given up on waiting after the first 10 minutes, when the 50 minutes long delay was announced. But actually, she did mind. Oh she did very much. She was about to meet her sister who just came home from Scotland for a day.  One bloody miserable day. And it was already 17.03, almost the end of the day really.

But she wasn't thinking about it anymore. Once she caught a glimpse of that gentleman... no, not that one with the red face to the left... the one to the right. That was the right one.

He was slender alright, his hair was pure silver and his face wrinkled. And yet, if you looked closer, you would see a man of his... rather thirties.

Why was it so, that this man with so many indicators of an age of fifty and above looked so young?

Then she looked again. She stopped seeing just the separate parts of him, he was suddenly whole. He was a man, a complete man. You could not put that into a question.

He was so different, though. He was so calm. everything about him had the air of calmness. Not like ignorant to what was going on, just calm, content.

If she hadn't been thinking about it too much, she would've said he was actually smiling, but it was only his face that was smiling, not his lips.

During this long time of waiting, she longed for her courage to come to her. She wanted to talk to him. Why, she did not know. She just very much wanted to...

Suddenly the train arrival was announced. Her thoughts were no longer whole. She lost it. All of it.  


What a day
it's a day
lovely day
rainy day
gloomy day
every day.